Setup Wordpress

This example will use git to install Wordpress from within the PHP container.

Table of Contents


The following configuration will be used:

Project name VirtualHost directory Database TLD_SUFFIX Project URL
my-wp /shared/httpd/my-wp my_wp loc http://my-wp.loc

Walk through

It will be ready in six simple steps:

  1. Enter the PHP container
  2. Create a new VirtualHost directory
  3. Download Wordpress via git
  4. Symlink webroot directory
  5. Setup DNS record
  6. Visit http://my-wp.loc in your browser

See also

Available tools

2. Create new vhost directory

devilbox@php-7.0.20 in /shared/httpd $ mkdir my-wp

3. Download Wordpress via git

devilbox@php-7.0.20 in /shared/httpd $ cd my-wp
devilbox@php-7.0.20 in /shared/httpd/my-wp $ git clone wordpress.git

5. DNS record

If you do not have Auto-DNS configured, you will need to add the following line to your host operating systems /etc/hosts file (or C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc on Windows):

/etc/hosts my-wp.loc

See also

For in-depth info about adding DNS records on Linux, Windows or MacOS see: DNS records or Auto-DNS.